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Arkiveringsdatum 211018:

Picum 21-10-12:

Between asylum and return, space is closing for permits for undocumented migrants till sidans topp

Under international and EU law, there are several human rights reasons for which people who do not qualify for asylum cannot be deported. These include the principle of non-refoulement, the protection of family and private life, the best interests of the child and the prohibition of arbitrary detention. In addition, several circumstances that are outside of an individual's control can make deportation or return impossible.

For people who for whom return is impossible, or undesirable, many EU countries foresee residence permits that go outside the scope of international protection.

But in recent years, EU migration policies have been consistently focusing on increasing returns and closing access to these national residence permits. Such an approach rests on the mistaken belief that for undocumented people, the only option is to return - either by force or "voluntarily". The EU Pact on Migration and Asylum is built on this assumption and attempts to entrench it throughout the EU's immigration and asylum procedures.

Three recent proposals, the Recast Return Directive, the Screening Regulation and the amended Asylum Procedures Regulation go one step further in this direction, by assuming that all people who arrive or reside in the EU irregularly and whose asylum applications are unsuccessful should immediately return or be deported.

In reality, people continue to reside irregularly for a wide range of reasons, and may indeed have other grounds for residence than an asylum application. According to official estimates, every year 300,000 people cannot return from the EU for different reasons, including human rights and factual considerations.

60 national protection statuses exist in the EU, in addition to international protection (i.e. asylum and subsidiary protection). The Pact proposals would risk practically closing access to these and other national-level residence permits.


Hela uttalandet (Extern länk)

Briefing paper: Why is the Commission's push to link asylum and return procedures problematic and harmful? (Extern länk till pdf-fil)

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Arkiveringsdatum 210701:

Refugees International 21-06-23:

30+ NGOs call for EU countries to form coalition to relocate refugees & asylum seekers till sidans topp

On the occasion of the European Council meeting on 24-25 June

To: António Costa, Prime Minister of Portugal, holding the Presidency of the Council of the European Union

Copy to: EU Commissioner for Home Affairs, Ylva Johansson Janez Jan?a, Prime Minister of Slovenia, incoming Presidency of the Council of the European Union

The undersigned organisations thank Portugal for its commitment to refugee protection and its engagement in responsibility-sharing mechanisms in Europe over the past years. While the New Pact on Migration and Asylum is being negotiated, human rights continue to be violated at European borders and lives put on hold. In light of your Presidency of the Council of the European Union and the upcoming Council meeting on 24-25 June, we call on you to bring together a coalition of willing Member States to initiate a concerted effort around relocation, starting with 5,000 vulnerable people from Greece. Amid the continued negotiations and disagreements on the proposals in the New Pact, Member States must and can take concrete action now for the thousands of refugees and migrants stranded in frontline countries and show what a functioning solidarity-based European Asylum and Migration policy looks like in practice.

For more than five years, our organisations have witnessed the inhumanity of the containment policy in camps on the Aegean islands and violent pushbacks by EU member states with the involvement of EU agency Frontex. These breaches of international and European law affect thousands of people seeking protection in Europe. It is time to reaffirm and put into practice Europe's commitment to human rights and human dignity.

No more Moria


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Pro Asyl / ECRE 21-06-25:

German airport procedures - a flawed blueprint for EU's border procedures till sidans topp

Through a new study that analyses German airport procedures and compares them with the border procedures proposed in the European Commission's New Pact on Migration and Asylum, PRO ASYL substantiates its criticism of the proposals.

In a new study published on 22 June, ECRE member PRO ASYL assesses German airport procedures in light of the current practice at Frankfurt Airport. The publication provides an overview of the legal framework of German airport procedures and outlines procedural standards set out in a landmark judgement of the German Federal Constitutional Court in 1996. It proceeds with two assessments by experts from the field providing insights into how airport procedures play out in practice at Frankfurt Airport.

With only a few hundred cases per year, airport procedures account for less than 0.5% of all asylum procedures in Germany. However, as illustrated by the two assessments, they come with severe deficiencies - even in the context of comparatively favourable conditions at an airport compared to other external borders of EU Member States, given the lower number of applicants for international protection and a better access to legal assistance due to the proximity to bigger cities.

Among other shortcomings, the study underlines that a comparatively higher share of cases are rejected as "manifestly unfounded", that the assessment of the reasons for flight from the country of origin are superficial and inadequate, that vulnerabilities are not adequately considered, and that airport procedures often come with lengthy periods of deprivation of liberty, especially when returns of rejected asylum seekers are delayed.


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Arkiveringsdatum 210603:

ECRE 21-05-21:

Charting the Procedural Labyrinth: the EU's Proposed Asylum Procedures till sidans topp

This week ECRE publishes two charts showing the procedural labyrinth facing asylum applicants in Europe, should proposed reforms go ahead. Scenario 1 shows the "regular" asylum procedures for people who were authorised to enter - the majority of applicants. Scenario 2 shows the asylum procedures for those who arrive at the borders, either seeking protection at a land border or disembarked following search and rescue. Certain of those who are found by the authorities in the country having entered irregularly will also be transferred to centres at the border to follow Scenario 2, which starts with the new screening process.

The charts are based on analysis of the proposed reforms to asylum procedures of 2016, supplemented and partially amended in 2020. In 2016, a legislative proposal was tabled for an Asylum Procedures Regulation (APR) to replace the Asylum Procedures Directive which governs procedural matters in EU asylum law. The APR was part of the CEAS reform package of 2016; amendments to the proposal were published in September 2020 as part of the European Pact on Migration and Asylum. The two have to be read together as the amended APR (aAPR) because much of the 2016 proposal remains intact, with the 2020 amendments simply adding and removing certain elements.

As caveats, first, following the jurisprudence of the European Courts, ECRE considers that those at the borders seeking protection are on the territory and within the jurisdiction of the country concerned; it rejects the fiction of non-entry which claims that the people covered by Scenario 2 have not entered the country, thus the distinction "on the territory" and outside it will not be accurate in almost all cases. Second, many elements are not covered by the charts due to lack of space. For example, more detail can be found on procedural guarantees for the applicants at each stage in the process in ECRE's analysis of the proposals; the variations that apply in crisis situations are not fully incorporated in the charts; the solidarity mechanisms and relocation are not presented at all here.


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Arkiveringsdatum 210520:

UNHCR 21-05-10:

Filippo Grandi at joint press point with European Commissioner Ylva Johansson till sidans topp

Thank you very much, thank you Ylva. I just want to echo what Commissioner [for Home Affairs] Johansson just said. I'm here for two-three days in Brussels for a number of meetings. The fact that over this weekend, we have witnessed again arrivals through the Central Mediterranean is further proof that we do need the [European] Pact [on Migration and Asylum].

Europe needs a predictable mechanism to deal with these matters. Yes, there were several boats coming, but we're talking about manageable numbers.

Through a rational and agreed mechanism, this would be very manageable, in our opinion.

Even if, as always in the beginning of the summer, there are more arrivals - what we need is a more and more predictable, more efficient State-led mechanism to rescue people at sea, because we've also seen in the last few weeks a lot of loss of life.

We need, of course, a predictable mechanism for disembarkation and relocation.

We need to stop the pushbacks that are happening all along the external border of the European Union. And we need a mechanism to investigate those pushbacks when they happen.

And I fully agree with the Commissioner - we need a mechanism that balances proper arrival arrangements with solidarity through relocation.

I personally think that this is the least that Europe could put in place.

Let's not forget that when we talk about sharing the responsibility for refugees, asylum seekers and other people of concern to my organization [UN Refugee Agency], 90 per cent of those people around the world are not in rich countries. They are in Africa, they in the Middle East, they are in Asia.

So what we're asking of Europe is something that other countries are already doing quite substantively, as we have seen even throughout the pandemic.


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Arkiveringsdatum 210416:

Picum 21-04-08:

Immigration detention and returns in the Pact: How we can correct course till sidans topp

Last September, the European Commission published the new European Pact on Migration and Asylum to reform the EU migration and asylum system. The Pact, which consists of five legislative proposals and four recommendations, heavily focuses on restricting access to Europe and on stepping up returns of people who are unable to get international protection.

To achieve these goals, the proposals reduce safeguards, set unrealistic timeframes to have fair procedures, and increase detention, including for children - with little or no consideration for human rights, well-being or inclusion. We believe Europe can do better - both for our societies and for the children and adults who are migrating - and have identified key issues that need to change in the different Pact proposals.

The 'Screening Regulation' introduces a 'pre-entry' procedure to identify people who crossed an external border without authorisation or who disembarked after a search and rescue operation. In short, this means detaining everyone, including children of any age, unaccompanied or with their families, for up to five days (ten in situations of crisis), during which the border personnel (read Frontex or national border guards) will decide whether people should undergo a vulnerability and health screening or not. What's more, undocumented people who are already on the EU territory could also be apprehended and detained for three days while they undergo the screening procedure - independent of how long they have been living on the territory and with no right to see a lawyer, appeal their detention or even inform their families.


Hela artikeln med länkar till Picums rekommendationer för olika delar av pakten (Extern länk)

Se även Picums analys:

More detention, fewer safeguards: How the new EU Pact on Migration and Asylum creates new loopholes to ignore human rights obligations (Extern länk)

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Arkiveringsdatum 210314:

Refugee Rights Europe February 2021:

New pact on migration: Perspectives from the "other side" of the EU borders till sidans topp

At the end of September 2020, and after camp Moria on Lesvos burned down leaving over 13,000 people in an even more precarious situation than they were before, the European Commission (EC) introduced a proposal for the New Pact on Migration and Asylum. So far, the proposal has not been met with enthusiasm by neither member states or human rights organisations.

Based on first-hand field research interviews with civil society and other experts in the Balkan region, this report provides a unique perspective of the New Pact on Migration and Asylum from 'the other side' of the EU's borders.

Läs eller hämta rapporten (Extern länk till pdf-fil)

Fler rapporter från Refugee Rights Europe (Extern länk)

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Arkiveringsdatum 201218:

Fores 20-12-10:

Pieces of the Puzzle - Managing Migration in the EU till sidans topp

For the last two decades, the idea of a Common European Asylum System (CEAS) has been discussed in the EU. Negotiations on a reform has put the system under scrutiny, and shown its underlying systemic flaws. With diverging views between Member States, reaching a common solution is not an easy task. How can the EU collect all the pieces and complete the puzzle?

Together with the European Liberal Forum, FORES launches "Pieces of the puzzle - Managing Migration in the EU". In this study, the author Bernd Parusel puts CEAS in a historic context, discusses current challenges and possible solutions, and looks to future scenarios.

The lack of legal pathways to the EU, failure to achieve a fair responsibility-sharing mechanism or a harmonised asylum determination are core issues addressed in this study. Parusel elaborates on these shortcomings and suggests pragmatic reforms.

From Introduction:

"This study aims to contribute to energise the European debate on migration and asylum and help policymakers make decisions founded on research and facts. In short, it asks what's wrong with the Common European Asylum System and how it could be fixed. The idea is to iden-tify the key problems the CEAS faces today, examine why they have so far not been resolved, and explore their consequences. Following from this analysis, the study aims to present scenarios for future develop-ments to clarify the choices political leaders can make, and to highlight desirable and less-desirable developments."

Launch at FORES Youtube channel (Extern länk)

Read, download or order the study and Policy brief (Extern länk)

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Riksdagens EU-nämnd 20-12-11:

EU-nämndens uppteckningar, bl.a. rörande migrations- och asylpakten till sidans topp

/innehåller föredragning om ländernas ståndpunkter samt inlägg från partierna/

Anf. 95 Justitie- och migrationsminister MORGAN JOHANSSON (S):

Fru ordförande! Till mötet på måndag har det tyska ordförandeskapet aviserat ännu en diskussion om migrations- och asylpakten. Flertalet medlemsstater har under höstens diskussioner gett ett övergripande stöd till de föreslagna byggstenarna i pakten, men många har också framhållit att det finns flera frågor som även fortsättningsvis behöver diskuteras och analyseras.

Ett antal medlemsstater anser att det är för tidigt att presentera en politisk inriktning på ministermötet; i stället kommer det att läggas fram en ordförandeskapsrapport. Som ni kanske minns berättade jag att målsättningen var att försöka ha något slags grundläggande överenskommelse till detta möte, men det har man inte kunnat klara.

Mest kritik och invändningar när det gäller paketet kommer från de sydeuropeiska länderna. Det är sådant som solidaritetsmekanismen och gränsförfarandefrågan som de har invändningar mot, ungefär på det sätt som jag trodde att det skulle vara när vi diskuterade det här förra gången.

Den rapport som ordförandeskapet har tagit fram kommer att innehålla en sammanfattning av de politiska frågor i pakten där det råder relativ samsyn. Rapporten lyfter även fram vilka frågor rådet kommer att behöva hantera under det inkommande portugisiska ordförandeskapet.

Vi förväntar oss att diskussionen från det förra rådsmötet kommer att fortsätta den 14 december. Jag bedömer därför att det inte finns anledning att ta fram några nya svenska ståndpunkter. Regeringen kommer att ge principiellt stöd till rapporten, som beskriver det aktuella läget väl.


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Uppteckningar från EU-nämndens möte 20-11-27, bl.a. med återrapport från ministermöte i rättsliga och inrikes frågor (Extern länk)

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Arkiveringsdatum 201111:

Picum 20-10-14:

How the new EU Pact creates new loopholes to ignore human rights obligations till sidans topp

The new European Pact on Migration and Asylum, published on 23 September 2020, begins with the recognition that "migration has been a constant feature of human history" and that "with a well-managed system, migration can contribute to growth, innovation and social dynamism". While these statements would indeed define a coherent migration policy, the Commission has not translated them into the real contents of the policy.

Instead, with its five legislative proposals and four recommendations, the Pact proposes to build a system where deterring all unauthorised mobility and increasing deportations are the defining features of the EU's migration policy in the coming years. This would be carried out by reducing safeguards, setting unrealistic timeframes to have fair procedures, and increasing detention - with little or no consideration for human rights, welcoming or inclusion. The investment of resources and political attention in preventing access to the territory and removing people from the EU far outweighs all other aspects of the policy, despite the text acknowledging that the vast majority of migration is regular.

Hardly definable as "a fresh start", this system rather builds on and expands previous reforms and proposals, such as the massive reinforcement of the European Border and Coast Guard, the proliferation of "hotspots", the adoption of the interoperability regulations creating and expanding biometric databases and access to data on third country nationals, and the proposed Recast Return Directive.

PICUM would like to underline the following six concerns about the proposed Migration and Asylum Pact:

1. Rather than closing "loopholes," the Pact proposes to create them to avoid legal safeguards and to deny access to other residence procedures.


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FARR 20-10-30:

88 organisationer bakom uttalande om EU:s nya pakt till sidans topp

FARR är en av de just nu 88 organisationer som ställt sig bakom ett uttalande om EU-kommissionens förslag till "en ny migrations- och asylpakt". Initiativtagare till uttalandet är ECRE (European Council in Refugees and Exiles). I uttalandet kräver organisationerna bland annat att EU och medlemsstaterna ska säkra kapaciteten för sök- och räddningsaktioner och avlasta EU:s gränsländer. Medlemsstaterna uppmanas samtidigt att avvisa förslagen om särskilda asylprocedurer vid gränsen som kommer att minska rättssäkerheten och öka förvarstagandet. Organisationerna pekar på de dåliga erfarenheterna från "hotspots" som lösning.

Pakten som organisationerna kommenterar är den som kommissionären Ylva Johansson presenterade för EU-kommissionens räkning för några veckor sedan. Pakten innebär en omstart för förhandlingarna om EU:s kommande asylsystem med tillägg av flera nya förordningar och omarbetningar av andra. Den har ett stort fokus på återvändande. Alla asylsökande ska screenas vid gränsen och på några dagar delas upp i kategorier. De flesta som kommer från länder varifrån få brukar få asyl ska hållas kvar vid gränsen och få en snabb asylprocedur som kan övergå direkt i återvändande-procedur. De medlemsländer som inte har så stort tryck av sökande förväntas bidra till en pott för omlokalisering eller annat stöd. I andra hand ska kvoter tillämpas. Det ska vara möjligt för en medlemsstat att bidra genom att administrera återsändande istället för att ta emot asylsökande för en vanlig asylprocedur.

Hela paketet är mycket omfattande med flera typer av procedurer för olika situationer. Uttalandet nedan från de 88 organisationerna förklarar och analyserar huvuddelarna.

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ECRE 20-11-10:

New monitoring mechanisms should ensure fundamental rights and accountability till sidans topp

The shocking images of migrants and asylum-seekers abused by Croatian authorities are part of the persistent and well-documented trend of human rights violations taking place at European borders. They are also a reflection of the widespread impunity of European Union (EU) Member States' border authorities and demonstrate the urgent need to address this in a systematic manner.

As part of the recently announced Pact on Migration and Asylum, the European Commission proposed the establishment of an independent monitoring mechanism to investigate allegations of fundamental rights violations at borders. The proposed monitoring mechanism has the potential to address violations but only if it is expanded in scope; independence is ensured; accountability for violations is strengthened; and suitable consequences follow governments' non-compliance. Failing this, the mechanism risks being a fig leaf behind which violations continue. The role of the Fundamental Rights Agency in developing guidance on the mechanism is welcome but since this guidance will not be binding on Member States, it does not address these concerns.

While Members of the European Parliament and representatives of EU Member States assess the proposal and prepare for negotiations, the undersigned organisations urge the following changes:

Scope: Expand the scope of the monitoring to apply to all alleged fundamental rights violations by national border management authorities or during border control activities


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Arkiveringsdatum 201023:

Asylrättscentrum 20-10-12:

Asylrättscentrum och 71 organisationer i gemensamt uttalande om migrationspakten till sidans topp

Den 23 september presenterade Ylva Johansson förslaget till migrationspakt i EU. Nu går Asylrättscentrum och 71 andra internationella ideella organisationer ut med ett gemensamt uttalande om förslagen.

Organisationerna lyfter att det finns positiva aspekter i den föreslagna migrationspakten. Det finns till exempel några positiva tillägg till kriterierna som används för att avgöra vilken medlemsstat som är ansvarig för behandlingen av en asylansökan. Till exempel en utvidgad definition av familj till att omfatta syskon, ett brett spektrum av familjemedlemmar när det gäller ensamkommande barn och mottagande av examensbevis eller annan examen från en medlemsstat.

Mer förhandling istället för delat ansvar

I sitt gemensamma uttalande vill de 72 organisationerna dock lyfta några risker som vi ser med förslagen. Bland annat att förslaget om sponsrat återvändandeär allt för komplext och riskerar att leda till mer förhandlande istället för fördelning av ansvar för asylsökande.

Ökat tryck på stater vid yttre gräns

En annan risk som lyfts är att de förslagna gränsförfarandena riskerar ett ökat tryck på medlemsstaterna vid EU:s yttre gränd. Det föreslagna gränsförfarandet bygger på två bristfälliga antaganden - att majoriteten av de människor som anländer till Europa inte har skyddsbehov och att bedömningen av asylansökningar kan göras enkelt och snabbt. Inget av dem är korrekt.

Överlag är organisationerna kritiska att förslaget fokuserar allt för mycket på deportation och återvändande. Förslag på säkra och lagliga vägar till Europa saknas helt.

Varför skriver vi under pakten?


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ECRE 20-10-06: The Pact on Migration and Asylum: to provide a fresh start and avoid past mistakes, risky elements need to be addressed and positive aspects need to be expanded (Extern länk)

Se även:

UNHCR 20-10-15: EU Pact on Migration and Asylum - Practical considerations for fair and fast border procedures and solidarity in the European Union (Extern länk)

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Arkiveringsdatum 201002:

Rädda Barnen 20-09-23:

Rädda Barnen kommenterar: Ny migrationspakt dömd att upprepa misstagen i Moria till sidans topp

Idag (23/9) lanserade EU-kommissionen en ny migrations- och asylpakt. Fem år efter krisen 2015 lever många barn fortfarande i stor utsatthet runtom i Europa.

"Medan vi välkomnar att pakten på flera sätt uppmärksammar barn är vi oroliga för att de nya förslagen kommer leda till samma situation som skapade katastrofen på Lesbos, där bränder nyligen gjorde över 12 000 människor hemlösa. Det är djupt olyckligt att EU inte har lärt sig av sina misstag." säger Rädda Barnens generalsekreterare Helena Thybell:

Att slå ihop asyl- och återvändandeprocessen utgjorde grunden för Greklands ökända så kallade "hotspots". Förödelsen i Moria - som drev 4 000 barn ut på gatan - har visat att vi inte kan gå tillbaka till denna misslyckade politik. Nya gränsprocedurer, däribland den nya anläggningen på Lesbos, kommer leda till nya flaskhalsar, med tusentals människor inlåsta i förvar i långa perioder.

För att öka tilliten mellan medlemsstaterna är det viktigt att ländernas asylsystem håller samma höga standard när det gäller att skydda människor på flykt. Att stärka asyl- och mottagningssystemen inom EU handlar om att garantera grundläggande mänskliga rättigheter och måste ha högsta prioritet.

Vi stöttar migrations- och inrikeskommissionär Ylva Johansson i hennes strävan att förmå EU-länderna att både enas om en permanent och hållbar gemensam migrationspolitik och genomföra akuta insatser för barn som nu lever i stor utsatthet i Grekland. Vi är glada att allt fler länder ställer upp med att ta emot barn och barnfamiljer, men beklagar att Sveriges regering fortsatt utmärker sig genom att inte vilja bidra.


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Källor: Informationen på denna sida är hämtad från följande källor (externa länkar): EU (kommissionen, ministerrådet, parlamentet och domstolen), Europarådet (mr-kommissionären, domstolen, kommittén mot tortyr), FN:s flyktingkommissariat UNHCR, FN:s kommitté mot tortyr m.fl. FN-organ, Sveriges Radio, SvT, andra svenska media via Nyhetsfilter och pressmeddelanden via Newsdesk, utländska media till exempel via Are You Syrious och Rights in Exile, internationella organisationer som Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, ECRE, Statewatch och Picum, organisationer i Sverige som Rädda Barnen, Asylrättscentrum, Svenska Amnesty, FARR och #vistårinteut samt myndigheter och politiska organ som Migrationsverket, Sveriges domstolar, JO, Justitiedepartementet m.fl. departement och Sveriges Riksdag.

Bevakning: Hjalte Lagercrantz och Sanna Vestin. Sammanställning: Sanna Vestin. Asylnytt är ett ideellt projekt. Sponsring avser prenumerationsavgifter. Tips emottages tacksamt.